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1 - Presentation SublimAsia

SuBLimAsia is a non-profit association aiming to:
- Promote Asian fictions (films, series, novels, mangas etc);
- Gather fans wishing to discuss their common passion;
- To discover this little known genre in France;
- Organize meetings between Asian artists and their European fans;
- Support Asian artists.


Contact :

2- Members

- Minh Châu: president of SublimAsia
- Aurélie: secretary and treasurer of SublimAsia
- Seorine: video creation and photographer
- Priscillia: in charge of finding sponsors
- Members in charge of helping during FM: Marie, Redouane, Pascal and Amélie

3 - When is the fanmeeting going on ?

coming soon

10 - BL ?

BL stands for Boy's Love, which refers to love stories between boys.

11 - What is a fanmeeting ?

A Fanmeeting is a meeting between an artist and his fans.

12 - Hi-touch ?

Hi-touch = Hi-five, that is to say that you tap your hands with those of the artist.

13 - Group photo

This is a photo that brings together people who bought a souvenir ticket and Saint, made by a professional photographer.

14 - Individual photo

Photo of you with Saint made by a professional photographer.

19 - Prohibited objects

- All weapons of all categories and all fake reproductions
- Alcoholic drinks
- Glass bottles, can, flasks and small glass bottles
- Bottles without cap
(water bottles or other soft drinks are allowed if they are closed and once opened you can close them)
- Large cameras with feet and lenses (small cameras without lenses are allowed as well as mobile phones).

A control of the bags can be done in accordance with the French vigipirate plan.

English FAQ: FAQ
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